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SuccessionMatching Insights

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The Steps of Succession

Embarking on succession planning can feel overwhelming, yet it holds great significance for your business, particularly as you approach retirement or the sale of your business. To provide guidance through the succession planning process, we have prepared a...

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Is Incorporating Worth it?

Is Incorporating Worth it?

As a business owner, one of the key decisions you'll need to make is how to structure your business. A common consideration is incorporation, which involves establishing a separate legal entity for your business. Some incorporate too soon, while others not at all. How...

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Hidden Costs of Selling a Business

Creating a succession plan is extremely important and can provide many benefits to you and your business. Unfortunately, many business owners neglect to create a succession plan for when they leave their business until it’s crunch time — right before they choose to leave or (in unfortunate circumstances) are forced to leave.

For Family Sake

Creating a succession plan is extremely important and can provide many benefits to you and your business. Unfortunately, many business owners neglect to create a succession plan for when they leave their business until it’s crunch time — right before they choose to leave or (in unfortunate circumstances) are forced to leave.

Financial Barrier

Buying a business is no small feat, and what many business owners fail to consider when selling is the struggle for the buyer to find financing....

The Ukrainian Project

When Alison approached me in March about needing to do something to help Ukrainians at the beginning of the war, I was on board - but certainly...

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