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Tell me your “Since COVID” results

Maybe you are a business owner who is surviving the global pandemic and are thinking, “OK, I made it through this thing so far, and I am not getting any younger – I wonder if I can sell this business to someone else?” Or maybe you (or your client) are thinking, “We...

Is Self-Employment Right For You?

Is Self-Employment Right For You? With the recent changes to our job market landscape due to COVID, you might be considering some different options to your employment strategy, including making the leap to becoming Self-Employed. Self-Employed individuals have always...

Are you looking to sell your business?

Are you looking to sell your business? We can help!We have a partner who can help you sell your business, without the burden of commission.  With SuccessionMatching, you can list your business (with a customizable array of privacy settings) and match to buyers through...

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